Welcome to my website! I am a professional certified coach with a specialization in ontological coaching. My passion is helping individuals and organizations navigate change and achieve their goals through a deep understanding of their own being and way of relating to the world.
I have extensive experience in facilitation, which is the art of guiding groups through a process to achieve a desired outcome. Whether you’re a team looking to enhance collaboration and communication, or an organization seeking to clarify its vision and strategy, I can help you design and facilitate a process that is both effective and engaging. My approach is highly collaborative, and I work closely with my clients to create a safe and supportive environment that encourages exploration, dialogue, and learning.
Transition Management
Transition management is another area of expertise for me. Whether you’re going through a personal or professional transition, I can help you navigate the uncertainty and challenges that come with change. Through ontological coaching, I help my clients develop a deeper awareness of their own beliefs, values, and emotions, and how these shape their experience of the world. With this awareness, my clients are able to navigate transitions with greater clarity, confidence, and resilience.
Certification and Qualifications
I am a certified coach through the International Coach Federation (ICF), which is the gold standard for professional coaching. I have completed advanced training in ontological coaching through the Newfield Network, a leading provider of coach training and development.
If you’re interested in learning more about my coaching services, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you!